Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Educational Trip To Chocolate Factory and Aquaria KLCC

Assalamualaikum Parents,

InsyaALLAH Tadika Khalifah Didik will organize an Educational Trip to Chocolate Factory and Aquaria KLCC as details follow;
Aquaria KLCC

Visit: Chocolate Factory in Seri Kembangan and Aquaria KLCC
Date: 22nd May 2012, Tuesday
Time: 7.30am - 2pm
Attire: Uniform
Fee: Free


7:45 am

8:00 am

9.00 am

Arrive Chocolate Factory
11:00 am

Arrive at Aquaria KLCC
Evolution hall,
Jewels of the jungle
Deep forest,
Malaysian Rainforest,
 Amazon Flooded Forest
The Coast, The Deep, The Living Oceans,
The Living Reef
Aqua Theatre,
Weird and Wonderful

1:00 pm

Back to school
2:00 pm

Arrive at school

Chocolate Factory Seri Kembangan

1. Please wear uniform and shoes. (strictly no slipper or sandals)
2. Please ensure your child already at school latest by 7.35am and please fetch your child at 2pm.
3. Breakfast will be provided before start Chocolate Factory tour.
4. No lunch for half-day students.

We hope that all students will involve in this trip.
An official letter regarding this trip will be distributed to all parents this week. Pray to ALLAH so that this trip will become a very interesting and benefiting the students.
For those who intend to sponsor anything, please contact Principal Su at 017-6047061.


We pray that this trip will benefit our children and make
them know that ALLAH is the Creator to every living things.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Parents Teachers Meet 2012


Parents Teachers Meet will be held as follow;

Date: 1st April 2012 (Sunday)
Time: As specified for each student
Venue: Tadika Khalifah Didik
Agenda: Student's Performance Report

 We hope your attendance will generate better improvement towards your child's education.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Assalamualaikum Parents,
We gladly invite all parents to the Little Caliphs Reading Techniques Seminar for Parents as follow;

Date : 19th February 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 9.00am – 11.30 am.
Venue : Dewan Salahuddin Al Ayubi, MASJID KHALID AL WALID, Jalan Padang Tembak, Kampung Datok Keramat, KL.
Fee: FREE.

Speaker : Puan Hjh Sabariah Faridah Jamaluddin (Founder of Little Caliphs Program)

Note: For better concentration during the seminar, please avoid from bringing your children there. Please wear proper dress according to Syariah.

Please confirm your attendance and number of attendees latest by 10 Feb 2012 to Puan Su at 017-6047061. 
Thank you. see you there!!
Here is the map to the Masjid.

View Larger Map

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Assalamualaikum to all parents,

Please be informed that we tentatively plan to hold a Reading Techniques Seminar for parents as follow;
Date: 19th February 2012
Presenter: Founder of The Little Caliphs Program, Puan Hajah Sabariah Faridah.

Time and venue will be updated later.
We hope the attendance from all parents as this seminar will expose you on the reading strategies that you need to know to improve your kids' reading skills at home. Parents will be thought about the "a-ba-ca" skills and all related elements in our "Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic" learning styles.

Want to learn more, do come on 19th February 2012.
See you there.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Active Learning

Terima Kasih

Assalamualaikum semua,
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua parents atas sokongan dan dokongan kepada tadika kita ini. Untuk makluman, pendaftaran telah ditutup kerana tempat telah penuh.

Kami memohon maaf kepada semua waiting list students kerana setakat ini belum lagi ada kekosongan. seperti yang telah diberitahu, insyaALLAH kami akan memaklumkan kepada tuan/puan jika terdapat kekosongan.

Marilah bersama-sama kita memohon doa semoga ALLAH memberkati niat dan usaha kita dalam mendidik anak-anak kita menjadi hamba ALLAH yang tahu dan faham fungsi sebenar mereka dalam kehidupan ini.

Terima kasih.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Parent-Teacher Meeting for November Intake

Assalamualaikum Parents,
Especially for parents who registered their children for NOVEMBER INTAKE.

Dear Parents,

We are glad to invite you to our Parent-Teacher Meeting on next Wednesday, 26th October 2011 from 10am to 4pm. The agenda are as follow:

1) Meeting the class teacher. During this session, we will introduce teachers to parents and parents may talk about their children and what are their expectation towards their children's education. Teachers also will give some info on the sillibus and lesson plan for the children.

2) Completing the registration. During the day, parents may complete the payment and collect uniforms, sport attire, books etc.

We are expecting your kind presence during that day. If you have any problem, please inform us earlier so that we can arrange another time for you. Thank you and see you there.